How To: Create a colorful Queen Cleopatra look for Halloween

Create a colorful Queen Cleopatra look for Halloween

Want to dress up as Queen Cleopatra but don't want to look exactly like every other Queen Cleopatra this Halloween? Then take a walk on the colorful side by applying this super bright and highly geometric makeup look.

Instead of going simply with smokey eyes (with cat eye liner) and nude lips, this look features a pop of blue on the lids, neon yellow on the rest of the eye, a triangular outer eye adornment, and sexy cherry red lips.

Products Used:
- Red Ginger concealer palette
- Air spun translucent powder
- Blinc Phase one primer
- Sleek "circus" palette
- Bobbi Brown cream black liner
- Sallys girl glitter adhesive and blue glitter
- Milani Brow fix kit
- Benefit Boing concealer in "3"
- NYX blush in Espresso
- Mary Kay lip liner in Dusty Rose
- Rimmel lipstick in Scream

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