The great thing about dressing up as a forest nymph/wood nymph/fairy/mermaid this Halloween? You can more or less get away with doing the same makeup look for all of them, with a few modifications, of ...
Being a zombie is so fun and perfectly gnarly for Halloween. Yeah, vampires are hot and werewolves are literally hot (mmm, Taylor Lautner), but zombies eat flesh. How cool is that? Check out this make ...
Jersey Shore's pickle-loving, drunken little ball of fun has captured the affection of many, as well as a fair share of haters. According to today's Wall Street Journal, Snooki and other Jersey Shore ...
Poison Ivy is without a doubt one of the prettiest villains in "Batman" history, despite her whole kooky eco-terrorist thing and ensaring male victims (quite literally) in her vines. Yes, the lady has ...
You may be wondering why the heck Medusa looks so pretty in this makeup tutorial, given that she was a horrific, menacing monster with snakes shooting out of her head. Well, before she was turned into ...
True, there are probably going to be thousands of girls and guys dressing up as creatures of the night (specifically we're talking vampires here) this year for Halloween, and we're getting more than s ...
In her new music video for "Dance in the Dark," Lady Gaga continues her wild performance art with looks that will no doubt soon be copied by girls all over for Halloween. One of these looks is present ...
Dolls give us the heebie jeebies. Like gnomes, they have this lifelike look to them and to their eyes that's almost TOO lifelike, like the kind where they'll come alive at night and slash your throat ...
In the past few years (thanks in no small part to "Twilight") vampires and sorta kinda werewolves have been the IT creatures of the night. But ten, twenty years back it was all about the zombies. Brin ...
Frankly we think that all the Disney princesses are beautiful, though Snow White, the original Disney princess, does have a special place in our hearts. With a voice as sweet as honey, milky white ski ...